Sr. Software Engineer

Angular 1.X
SQL Server
Angular 2+
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Passionate and solution focused .NET consultant with management competencies implementing a broad range of
enterprise IT initiatives. Committed team member who can take on multiple roles to insure project success.
Patient and trusted mentor who has worked with teams and organizations of all sizes.
Experienced in leading all stages of the software development lifecycle, including requirements definition,
application architecture, database modeling, integrations, deployments, testing, and support.
Architect Senior Developer Team Lead Development Manager
Programming Languages and Technologies Databases Tools and Methods
.NET Standard/Core/NET 4.5 Xamarin/Xamarin.Forms SQL Server Visual Studio .NET 2017
C# ASP.NET MVC SQLite SQL Server Management Studio
ASP.NET Web API ASP.NET SignalR MongoDB VSTS/Team Foundation Server
ASP.NET Web Forms Windows Azure RavenDB Git/SVN
Azure Service Bus Azure Storage Queues MySQL
WCF Entity Framework/Core
NServiceBus Akka.NET
Node.js ReactJS
AngularJS jQuery
JavaScript CSS
Professional Scrum Master, PSM I
MCSD: Web Applications

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Active participant and presenter
 Minnesota Developer Conference
 Mobile Twin Cities User Group
 Twin Cities .NET User Group
 Silverlight User Group
Adjunct Instructor
 The College of St. Scholastica
 ITT Technical Institute.

Improving – Twin Cities
Principal Consultant, Scrum Master, Mentor
August 2016 – Present
EZLynx/The Rao Foundation
Principal Consultant, Sundial Application
 Setup and configuration of VSTS CI/CD process for Sundial Android application
including Xamarin.Android build, Xamarin UITests via AppCenter, and deployment
via HockeyApp.
 Xamarin Android application development with SQLite, and external API’s from
WattTime and Google Maps.
 Project budget tracking, daily standup meeting, and general project management
McKesson, Medical Surgical
Principal Consultant, POC 40hrs
 Sole developer of budget-limited Proof Of Concept Xamarin.Forms application for
McKesson consumer product information.
 Research and implementation of bar code scanning using ZXing library
 Research and implementation of voice recognition using native SpeechRecognizer.
McKesson, Medical Surgical
Principal Consultant, ScrumMaster
 Setup and configuration of VSTS CI/CD process for ASP.NET WebAPI and
Xamarin.Android build and deployment via HockeyApp
 Test Driven Development of Orbits application using Xamarin.Forms Android,
Prism, NUnit, SQLite, Entity Framework/Core and Azure.
 Facilitator of Scrum practices for team including Daily Scrum, Sprint Refinement,
Sprint Planning, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospectives
TN Marketing
VSTS Conversion, Azure High Availability Configuration, Web Renewals Conversion

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 Complete setup of VSTS Team project, including code repository change to Git,
setup and configuration of build/release definitions to support a CI build process.
 Architecture and implementation of High Availability/Business Continuity Azure
 Conversion of existing batch files and console programs to Azure WebJob.
 Created documentation deliverables and trained development staff on VSTS and
Azure usage.

sdg (Formerly Solution Design Group)
Senior Consultant
January 2009 – August 2016

The Tile Shop
 Development of jQuery and ASP.NET MVC components for ProMyAccount portal, a
website for The Tile Shop professional contractors.
 Primary responsibility of implementing and extending ASP.NET Identity 2 API for user
management of site.
 Setup and configuration of VSTS to accompany Scrum based project management for
source control, automated builds, automated deployment, work items and bugs.
AcuSport, Retail Technology Group
Senior Consultant, Interim Development Manager
 Accepted and filled role of Interim Development Manager during their candidate search.
 Filled Lead role in POS AXIS Multistore project including architecture, development,
deployment and documentation.
 Analysis and design of C# WPF feature requests and enhancements for Axis Retail
 Provided technical guidance and direction for junior team members as well as technical
support staff.
The Toro Company
 Created JQuery and MVC Razor enabled views for Toro Connect, a website for Toro
dealer product information.
 Collaborated with Business Analysts and Quality Assurance team members on
application requirements and behavior.
 Tasked with analysis, documentation and debugging of JQuery based UI for Toro
 Conducted TFS integration assessment for Dell Boomi/Innotas project management
 Produced proof of concept applications for TFS integration using SOAP/WCF, OData,
and native C# client.
 Produced written deliverables describing pros and cons of each approach.
Capella University
 Developed MyCapella membership feature via ASP.NET Membership API.
 Designed and implemented Capella webinar tracking feature via SalesForce REST API.

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 Developed proof of concepts for OAuth integration with LinkedIn and Disqus.
Connexions Travel Loyalty, Client Assessment
 Conducted Software Application Lifecycle Management assessment for new client. Laid
foundation for one of the firm’s largest accounts.
 Collaborated with business and internal users to review and assess business processes,
TFS builds, Scrum activities, application deployment, and testing.
 Delivered documentation containing best practice approaches to ALM based on results
Univita Health
 Designed and developed ASP.NET MVC3 controllers and Knockout/Razor views for
patient health services application.
 Collaborated with DBA on schema design and query performance as required.
 Participated in Scrum planning meetings.
Barr Engineering
 Installed and configured TFS 2010 as a source code repository and work item manager.
 Reverse-engineered existing ASP.NET Web Services used to implement custom
validation for Deltek Vision ERP system.
 Designed, developed, and documented replacement ASP.NET Web Services web
services ensuring FTE developers are able to understand and maintain the code.
Restaurant Technologies Inc.
 Developed proof-of- concept ASP.NET MVC3 administrative site to manage client
location subscriptions.
 Reverse engineered high visibility reporting system based on SQL Services Reporting
Services and SQL Service Integration Services.
 Coded and tested TOM 2.0 ASP.NET WebForm pages to assist team in making release
Creative Memories
 Developed new ASP.NET Web Forms e-commerce platform for corporate website.
 Lead role in Security Token Service/Windows Identity Framework authentication and
authorization. Extensive research, debugging, and documentation.
 Developed WCF shopping cart service to support new e-commerce promotional item.
 Responsible for onboarding and mentoring of new team members.
Dolan Media
 Designed and developed new ASP.NET web site design and implementation for
classified ads.
 Refactored existing stored procedures, performed index tuning, and creation of migration
scripts for SQL database.
 Reconfigured IIS application pools and SQL permissions.
 Responsible for onboarding and mentoring of new team members.
Rels Settlement Service
 Developed WCF service for generating RESPA PDF documents using ITextSharp.
 Led process improvement, data modeling, and defects triage processes.

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 Created SQL stored procedure scripts and database migration scripting.
Red Wing Shoes
 Developed a Proof of Concept executive dashboard in Silverlight 2.
 Refactored codebase to Silverlight 3 SDK and Expression Blend 3.
 Explored use of 3rd party vendor (Telerik, Infragistics) Silverlight components to support
charting, and advanced user interaction with the dashboard.

Solutia Consulting
July 2006 – December 2008
 Designed ASP.NET Web Forms application to manage and report on Target’s
Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) activities.
 Developed an ASP.NET Web Forms application which integrated Target Business
Partner Management XML Web Services and Infor Optiva system.
 Developed enhancement to existing ASP.NET Web Forms and InfoPath application used
by Target field assessments.
Creative Memories
 Developed new C# ASP.NET Web Forms website to replace legacy CRM application.
 Researched, designed and developed 8 week proof-of- concept Smart Client application
using CAB/SCSF and Click Once Deployment.

St. Cloud State University
Bachelor of Science Computer Science
St. Cloud Technical College
Associate Applied Science, Accounting